Rule of ConductRule of Conduct
This Code of Business Conduct is part of the Distributor Agreement, which is intended to regulate the relationship between Grand Sun International Pte Limited and Grand Sun Distributors in terms of their rights, obligations and duties, to promote the harmony between Grand Sun International Pte Limited and Grand Sun Distributors and between Grand Sun Distributors as well as to safeguard the interests of the Distributors under Grand Sun's marketing program and to facilitate the smooth development of the business.
I.Interpretation of Terms

1.1 Distributor

1.2 Referrer

1.3 Distributorship

1.4 Individual Group Performance

1.5 Business Aids

1.6 Application for Distributor's PV Transfer

1.7 Application for Change of Distributorship

1.8 Application for Termination of Distributorship

II.How to Become a Distributor

2.1 Application Eligibility

2.2 Application Procedures

2.3 Submit the following documents

2.4 Distribution Authorization

2.5 Renewal Conditions and Disposal Parties

2.6 Cancellation of Distributorship

2.7 Termination of Distributorship

2.8 Revocation of Distributorship

2.9 Discontinuation of Distributorship

III.Rights and Obligations of Distributors

3.1 Purchase of products:

3.2 Sales

3.3 Referral: Distributors shall have the right to refer others to become Distributors.

3.4 The Referrer shall honestly explain to the Referee the specifications of the Grand Sun Business Manual and inform the Referee of the following matters without falsehood, deception, concealment, or misrepresentation before asking the Referee to sign the “Application”.

3.5 Referrers shall pay all bonuses due to their subordinates in accordance with the deadline at the end of the month in which Grand Sun pays out the bonuses.

3.6 Referrers who violate their duties will be disqualified as Distributors, and the rights and interests of their subordinate distributors will be transferred to the superior Distributors.

3.7 Selling notes:

3.8 Partnership

3.9 Marriage

3.10 Divorce

IV.Distributor Rules of Conduct

4.1 The Distributor shall understand that all sales and purchases with Grand Sun are made as independent contractors, and shall not represent or imply that it is an authorized representative, agent, employee, or appointee of Grand Sun, or make any representations or warranties on behalf of Grand Sun, either expressly or impliedly, in any transaction. The Distributor is authorized to sell Grand Sun's products and recommend new Distributors, and to perform the Distributor's obligations only during the period of authorization.

4.2 Distributors must make it clear to their subordinate Distributors that the “superior and subordinate” relationship is that of an independent Distributor. Distributors shall have a relationship of training and motivation with their recommended subordinate Distributors.

4.3 Distributors are prohibited from making any claims, assertions, warranties or representations regarding Grand Sun or its products, except those that have been disclosed in Grand Sun's official documents or have been approved in writing by Grand Sun in advance. Distributor's violation of the above provisions will result in all tangible and intangible losses or legal liabilities of Grand Sun, which will be the sole responsibility of the Distributor, and Grand Sun reserves the right of legal recourse, and may cancel the Distributor's distributorship by written notice.

4.4 Distributors shall comply with all laws and regulations in Singapore and shall indemnify and hold Grand Sun harmless from and against any and all actions and damages whatsoever.

4.5 Distributors shall not engage in any other pyramid schemes or sell any products that are identical or similar to those of Grand Sun without the written consent of Grand Sun, and shall not recommend or introduce Grand Sun distributors to engage in or operate any other pyramid schemes.

4.6 Grand Sun reserves the right to take necessary action against any Distributors who are proven to have damaged Grand Sun's reputation, rights and interests, or the rights and interests, reputation, unity and harmony of other Distributors when exercising the Distributor's distributorship (such as sales, referral, counseling, etc.).

4.7 Distributors are not allowed to misappropriating or adjusting the points of their subordinates to achieve their specific purpose.

4.8 Distributors shall not engage in the following behaviors:

4.9 If any Grand Sun Distributor violates any of the above provisions and Grand Sun determines that the circumstances are serious, Grand Sun may revoke his/her distributorship and permanently disqualify him/her from being a Grand Sun Distributor.

V.Obligations of Distributors Above the Agent Level

5.1Obligations :

VI.Principles of Maintaining the Distributor System

6.1 Transfer of Distributors:

6.2 In order to maintain the harmonious development of the Distributor's referral system and to protect the rights and interests of the Distributors, Distributors should not directly or indirectly, personally or with the assistance of others, induce or abet another Distributor to leave their original referral system.

6.3 Distributors who wish to transfer to another Distributor cannot join another Distributor's system under the name of another Distributor to exercise their distributorship before any of the above transfer procedures have been completed.

6.4 Inheritance of distributorship:

VII.Use of Grand Sun's Name

7.1 Exclusive right to use Grand Sun's trademark

7.2 Grand Sun's Copyrights

7.3 Business Aids

7.4 In order to prevent the Distributor from violating the Trademark Law, and to protect Grand Sun's reputation, the Distributor is prohibited from advertising Grand Sun's business in the electronic media or printed media, or using other similar publicity methods to promote its business.

7.5 Distributors shall not purchase any products, drawings and other business aids bearing Grand Sun's trademarks through channels other than Grand Sun in Taiwan, nor shall they sell any products bearing Grand Sun's trademarks in other countries through channels other than Grand Sun in Taiwan.

7.6 If any Grand Sun Distributor violates any of the above terms and conditions and the circumstances are serious, Grand Sun shall cancel his/her distributorship as well as Grand Sun shall demand compensation and pursue legal responsibility.

VIII.Regulations for foreigners or overseas Chinese coming to Taiwan to engage in the Grand Sun business

8.1 This regulation only applies to foreigners and overseas Chinese who are over 20 years old, are not nationals of the Republic of China, and can stay in Taiwan for a long period of time, provided that they have the ability to act.

8.2 The applicant must present a residence permit approved by the competent government office of the Republic of China, together with a copy of his/her passport, an application form, and a copy of his/her bank account to be used for the payment of bonuses. The application form must be signed and stamped by the applicant himself/herself, and then submitted to Grand Sun for approval before it becomes effective.

8.3 The income generated from Grand Sun's business in Taiwan shall be declared and taxed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China and shall not be evaded.

8.4 Authorization Period:

IX.Disciplinary Provisions

9.1 The Disciplinary Provisions are designed to preserve and ensure the proper functioning of the MLM system. Grand Sun may impose the Disciplinary Provisions on any Distributor who violates Grand Sun's Code of Business or disrupts the proper functioning of the system.

9.2 If a Distributor violates any of the rules and regulations set forth in Article 9.4. and Grand Sun verifies the violation, Grand Sun may, depending on the severity of the violation, issue a warning, cancel the Distributor's qualification in two stages, or cancel the Distributor's qualification on its own, in order to rectify the Distributor's inappropriate behaviors.

9.3 The rights and interests of the Distributors who are subjected to disciplinary actions shall be subject to different degrees of restriction depending on the circumstances of the violation, please refer to Article 9.4. for details of the restriction.

9.4 Contents of Violations.

9.5 Disciplinary range︰